The “Researchers of Truth” is a Methodical Teaching System that will lead you to know more about Yourself, about Reality and about the Universal Intelligence we call  “God”.

Our Mission

To inspire the hearts, minds and lives of people around the world, to help them express the best version of themselves. 


Indiana Center

The official roots of the Researchers of Truth teachings go back over 2000 years.  In the 1900s the Master Daskalos organized these teachings into an integrated Method for the Research of Truth. Some of these teachings have appeared over the last two millenniums in fragmented parts and are only now presented as a complete whole system. Yet, most of these teachings and practices have been kept in secret, passed on and enriched by successive generations of Researchers of Truth, while purposely hidden from the general public.  However, times have changed and now it is permissible to reveal much more.

Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos)

Daskalos began his teaching and healing work at the age of seven on the island of Cyprus in 1919 at a time without planes, cars, phones or even electricity. Over the course of the next seventy plus years, Daskalos established more than 100 independent circles of study worldwide and many, many thousands of students have come into these circles and personally experienced profound spiritual awakenings and undeniable healings. So-called “incurable” diseases, such as deadly cancers, were “miraculously” cured in the presence of Daskalos. His extraordinary skills empowered by Spirit, also enabled the “permanently” lame and disabled to walk freely again. Stylianos not only treated physical illnesses, but also those whose hearts carried deep and persistent emotional wounds found relief under his loving care. Those who walked in mental darkness, negativity and confusion were led out of the shadows and back into the light by him. Of course, Daskalos never claimed he healed anyone and stated “no person ever healed another person. The Holy Spirit does any healing that takes place”.

Daniel Joseph Gobin

A Researcher of Truth

Daniel Joseph’s search for truth began over 45 years ago, launching him on a lifelong study of eastern and western spiritual systems and teachers, searching for pearls of wisdom.  Until one day in 1989 he arrived on the doorsteps of Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (AKA Daskalos), the Mystic of Strovolos, who taught him about the spiritual pearl of the greatest value. At which point Daniel’s search for truth transformed into an ever deepening Research of Truth.  Daniel continues an ever increasing engagement in this research and in sharing the great body of teachings of Daskalos & The Researchers of Truth. He is a worldwide speaker and creator of Seminars & Workshops for people’s spiritual growth and development. He is also the author of the illuminating series of books: “Watching the Whale”, “Swimming with the Whale” and “Diving with the Whale”.

Akiko Toshimitsu

A Researcher of Truth

Aki Toshimitsu is a long-time seeker of Truth. Her spiritual journey in this incarnation started after her father passed over when she was 18 years old. After seeking the Truth of Life for many years, she met a highly advanced spiritual healer and her spiritual life blossomed and urged her to study healing all around the world, which led her to the teachings of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth. Aki is a healing counselor and a meditation provider, who serves by providing teachings & practices in the Researchers of Truth seminars. Her joy is to be pure fountain of the living water of Truth and share the beauty of these teachings with the world.

Nonprofit Board Members

David Alaniz

Researcher of Truth
New Mexico

Andres Gulias

Researcher of Truth

Maria Imaz

Researcher of Truth

Dr. Eric Fong

Researcher of Truth

Erika Huggins

Researcher of Truth

Joe Winslow

Researcher of Truth

Stonnie Sullivan

Researcher of Truth

Kathy Sullivan

Researcher of Truth

Gustavo Strobel

Researcher of Truth